If you want to pack your laptop and head cold, rainy, and Britain more expensive for your undergraduate degree, you are not alone. Winter in Granada sounds like it could be bearable. Studying in Siena, the approach of the spring could be embalmed. Prague is going to be great just about any time of the year.
But what happens if you have a foot itchier and want to explore further? There is a whole world of higher education there: its America, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia or China as pleasure?
Study outside the European Union has always seemed too expensive, the kind of expensive that hardly anyone had the means. But now that the fees of the UK have travelled up to ?27,000 for a three year degree, decide you want to study in a country outside the EU seems not to be quite as profligate.
"There are colleges in the United States where he is not that much more," said Toni Hargis, an expatriate British and mother of two teenagers, who has just written the Guide without Stress to study in the States. It may be exaggerating a bit, because she also told "$ 23,000 year is on the lowest I've seen for a foreign student. It is about ?15,000, close to double the top UK courses yearly fee. But there, she pointed out, realistic ways to offset your costs significantly.
"There are many scholarships here", she says. These can be for sporting and academic prowess and can cover all or part of your tuition fees and the cost of living. "And Yes," she adds, "you are able to apply as a student non-us. For the most part, these schools [universities] have enormous endowments and can do what they like, it's their money. »
One of the most serious problems encountered by young people who want to study international comes the planning and preparation phase. Understanding a different educational system, its requirements review and turnaround times, risk tripping you upwards until you have filled in your application.
For American universities, you need at least 18 months, Hargis warns, do your research and all your applications. This means that to start doing serious thought, at the latest, Christmas of your first year of sixth form. And know that each application will cost you between $50 and $100, if you want to be carefully cut to the bottom of your choice rather than a scatter XY-gun approach.
Universities will help if you approach him, Hargis said. "Officers of entries here are very open and well informed, and they welcome calls and are very transparent." But be careful: If you decide to pay for one of the many consultants who advise on the entrance of the University in the United States, be sure to choose one that does not have a direct interest in what institution you select. Some, said Hargis, working on the commission of some colleges, "so they will recommend perhaps schools that are not necessarily in the best interests of the student.
What other parts of the world? The Australia is another popular choice, and there are universities which offer courses to the same sort of levels of rights as in the case in the United Kingdom. But, says Joanna Turner of consultants before degrees, leading institutions charge more like ?20,000 per year.
She pointed out that you need to have access to serious money for any international, because you will be not be eligible for loan financing options higher education or grants that you are right if you stay within the EU.
The Australia is clearly a very long way to go to check if you think that a particular campus is right for you - and a long way back if things do not work. But there are valid reasons to consider it, she said. "Regards oversubscribed areas in the United Kingdom - degrees related to medicine, for example - students will seek all over the world to see where they can get a seat".
There is one other, very practical, reason why the Bank of Dad and MOM might be prepared to strain upwards for the Australia, says Mr Turner. ' Parents feel that the economy and the prospects it is much healthier than in this country. ' And if you are studying there for three years, you get a work permit for two years and then the possibility to extend it.
Anna Boyd works for the student world, which hosts fairs of International University recruitment everywhere in the United Kingdom. Students must look beyond the glamour and excitement of international study and wonder if, sincerely, they think they will thrive under the constraints of living in a very different culture if away from home, she said.
If the answer is Yes, then why not go somewhere completely different? 'China has a potential and there is also the Malaysia and Qatar, which have been off the radar until recently, but begin to organize courses in English,' explains. "Check out the YouTube channel, Facebook page and discover that say their students on this campus studies."
Boyd said if you plan to study in a country that has only just begun to host foreign students, it is essential to ask questions of the quality of education research, or you could waste money and valuable time. You also need to be reassured that the degree that you finally travel - so check the accreditation and ensure that the qualification will be accepted in the United Kingdom.
There is, of course, the distinct advantages under consideration in a fair country by train to become an actor on the market of higher education: graduated in China, Boyd said, "is much cheaper" that here, with courses cost around ?3,000 per year. Of course, you then taking in flights, charges of visa and health insurance, and many incidentals which are the inevitable result of living somewhere unfamiliar and away from home.
But an international diploma can give an advantage in a crowded job market. «Just study abroad makes you different, "says Boyd," approximately 22,000 students go abroad - but a degree of China, or the Malaysia you would really stand out.»
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