Researcher inside a medical lab
Coming to the end of your course means thinking about what to do next. One option is further study or research.

Further study

There are many possibilities for further study. For example, you could go on to:
  • further education
  • higher education: undergraduate (e.g. a bachelor's degree)
  • higher education: postgraduate (e.g. a master's, a doctorate/PhD)
  • a professional qualification course (e.g. training to be a chartered accountant or engineer).
Find out more in Your study options.

Research opportunities in the UK and Europe

If you are a postgraduate student and you are looking for an academic research post or funding in the UK, have a look at EURAXESS-UK.
Meanwhile, the EURAXESS service helps you to find research posts and funding in the wider European Union.
Another good website is Promodoc - visit this website for information about doing a doctorate in Europe, with advice on applying, scholarships and careers.
Keep an eye on opportunities from initiatives such as the British Council Researcher Links, which is currently offering funding to researchers from any one of 19 partner countries – read more here.

Scholarships and financial support

There are many scholarships available for UK courses, particularly at postgraduate or research level. Demand is usually greater than supply, but it is worth looking at what is available.
For tips on finding funding, please read our Scholarships and financial support article.


If you need a visa to study or work in the United Kingdom, have a look at the UK Border Agency (UKBA) website to find out about your visa options. UKBA manage UK visas and immigration.


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